On 18 Jul 2023, at 21:49, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 7/18/2023 9:37 PM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
I have a document that includes text and PDFs (which themselves have been created with LMTX) When it is compiled I see: fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 1, order 2, name './ArchiMate-sheets.tex' fonts > preloading modern (math) fonts > 'fallback modern mm 12pt' is loaded fonts > preloading modern (mono) fonts > 'fallback modern tt 12pt' is loaded luatex warning > pdfe lib: lua <pdfe dictionary> expected luatex warning > pdfe lib: lua <pdfe document> expected fonts > checking > char [ (U+0005B) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char t (U+00074) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char f (U+00066) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char = (U+0003D) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char s (U+00073) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char y (U+00079) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char l (U+0006C) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char e (U+00065) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char : (U+0003A) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char R (U+00052) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char g (U+00067) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char u (U+00075) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char a (U+00061) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char r (U+00072) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char , (U+0002C) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char b (U+00062) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char B (U+00042) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char o (U+0006F) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char d (U+00064) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char i (U+00069) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char I (U+00049) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char c (U+00063) in font '' with id 0: missing fonts > checking > char ] (U+0005D) in font '' with id 0: missing backend > xmp > using file '/usr/local/context-osx-64/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 luatex warning > pdfe lib: lua <pdfe dictionary> expected luatex warning > pdfe lib: lua <pdfe dictionary> expected luatex warning > pdfe lib: lua <pdfe dictionary> expected luatex warning > pdfe lib: lua <pdfe dictionary> expected I' can't really see anything wrong with the result, What are these warnings/errors? you can read the text vertically:
and when you get that it's likely that this is typeste before \starttext when no font has been loaded (you then probably get some unexpected whitespace on top of the first page
so, just grep for that orphaned text snippet in your style / document
Hmm, it ('syle') is nowhere to be found in my documents. The 'syle' typo is found twice in ConTeXt itself, but only in manuals. Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda, Mastodon https://newsie.social/@gctwnl) R&A IT Strategy https://ea.rna.nl/ (main site) Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/ Book: Mastering ArchiMate https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/