Thankt you very much to you both On Tue, 2020-03-24 at 13:34 +0100, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
On 3/24/20 11:01 AM, Christoph Hintermüller wrote:
[...] What alternative installation packages do you recommend exempt compiling from sources?
Hi Christoph,
I guess http://pragma-ade.com/install.htm contains what you need.
But on production system i do prefer pre packaged stuff which is updated automatically and does not need manual install. I managed to update to 2018 version which also does not recognize \NI. The 2019 packages better the ones from the texlive ppa of Jonathanf are broken at least for context. I do get errors in missing module files for lua and others. I think i have to not use \NI and tabluate for now. Thanks anyway Best Xristoph -- -- Christoph, Julia, R. Hintermüller Eisenhandstraße 33/23 4020 Linz Austria Tel.: +43 650 8827347 mail: christoph@out-world.com mail: julia@out-world.com www: http://www.out-world.com