Dear gang, Consider the following typescript template: \definefontfeature [myfont-tf-sc] [mode=node,script=latn,language=dflt,trep=no, protrusion=quality,expansion=quality, compose=yes,combine=yes,tlig=yes, kern=yes,liga=yes,onum=yes,cpsp=yes,smcp=yes, % smcp activie trnsl=force] % synonym mapping \starttypescript [serif] [myfont] [name] \loadfontgoodies[myfontlfg] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [MyFontRegular] [features=myfont-tf] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [MyFontItalic] [features=myfont-it] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [MyFontBold] [features=myfont-tf] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [MyFontBoldItalic] [features=myfont-it] \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [MyFontRegular] [features=myfont-tf-sc] \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsItalic] [MyFontItalic] [features=myfont-it-sc] \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsBold] [MyFontBold] [features=myfont-tf-sc] \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsBoldItalic] [MyFontBoldItalic] [features=myfont-it-sc] \stoptypescript % font mapping \starttypescript [serif] [myfont] \loadfontgoodies[myfontlfg] \definefontsynonym [MyFontRegular] [file:MyFont-Regular] % [features=myfont-tf] \definefontsynonym [MyFontItalic] [file:MyFont-It] % [features=myfont-it] \definefontsynonym [MyFontBold] [file:MyFont-Bold] % [features=myfont-tf] \definefontsynonym [MyFontBoldItalic] [file:MyFont-BoldIt] % [features=myfont-it] \stoptypescript As is well known, \sc selects the small caps only from the Serif font, not from SerifBold etc. But MyFont has smallcaps for every style. So in the typescript we make that explicit and apply the smcp=yes fontfeature to SerifCapsBold etc. But this does not work: \sc still only applies to Serif or SerifCaps. Now I can load a goodies file myfontlfg and do something like this: local smallcaps = { smcp = yes, } But that does not change the behavior of \sc. Yes, there is an easy workaround: \definefontfeature[smallcaps][smcp=yes] \define\sc{\addff{smallcaps}} This works for all styles that have the smcp feature, but I don't like having to redefine a system command. So the questions are: 1) Is there a recommended\better way to get \sc to work across all styles? 2) Are there any edits you would recommend to the above typescript template? Once we're clear on this, will update this quite obsolete page: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Bold_small_caps Thank you in advance. Best wishes Idris PS Sometimes these inquiries may appear more verbose than needed. That is because I'm trying to write as clearly as possible, not only for the experts and masters, but also for beginners and intermediate users who may run into these things one day, search the archives, etc.. -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523