On Jan 16, 2008, at 11:22 PM, John Luciani wrote:
There is some information on doing transparencies in METAPOST at http://www-math.univ-poitiers.fr/~phan/metalpha.html
Using the code at the above link you should be able to produce the effect in your jpeg.
(* jcl *)
John, I never thanked you for your message; sorry about that! Unless I'm missing something, this page is just about transparency, but that works quite well in metafun; it was the combination of transparency and shading which I couldn't get right. On Jan 24, 2008, at 1:28 AM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
In theory possible, but in practice not implemented in metafun. But see http://www.fauskes.net/media/pgf/pgfmanualCVS2008-01-23.pdf It might satisfy your needs. (Impressive!)
Thanks, Mojca, that's what I suspected. For the time being, I prefer metafun just because I know a little bit about it (and almost nothing about tikz). I have solved the problem at hand by drawing ten instances of a very transparent black circle on top of each other and increasing the scale of the pencircle slightly at every run. Which leads me to one last question: I wanted to be clever and do it in a for-loop like this: for i=1 upto 10: pickup pencircle scaled (i*0.5) pt ; draw fullcircle scaled 5mm withcolor transparent (1,0.04,black) ; endfor ; Is this because the expression "pencircle scaled" expects a "numeric primary" as argument? And is there any way around this? All best, and thanks to all Thomas