Dear list members,

I noticed the following problem: text doesn't float around an image, when the paragraph starts with {\bf or \em etc} instead of unchanged font. (The text is placed on top of the image). A minimal example:

\placefigure[inner]{A figure}{\framed[width=5cm,height=5cm]{Image}}{\bf This will mess up the rest.} \input tufte

I don't know whether it's only my version of context, because in "context live@contextgarden" I get:
 (return code : 25
              run time : 0 seconds

        total run time : 0 seconds

               warning : use 'texmfstart texexec' instead

but no pdf (I get this with anything, has nothing to do with this particular problem).

Thanks in advance, Jörg Jörg Hagmann-Zanolari

Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics

DKBW, University of Basel

Mattenstrasse 28

CH-4058 Basel


Phone +41 (0)61 267 3565