Ajith R via ntg-context schrieb am 31.12.2021 um 14:04:
Hi, I am trying to prepare a moderate sized document in Malayalam using Context. Overall I have been successful. However, there are a few rough edges for which I need help. This is the seventh (and the last one for now) problem I face.
When I use local footnotes within a tabulate section, the foot notes gets placed unevenly. If I remove the "c" from \starttabulate[|p(3cm)c|p|], then the footnotes are aligned. Is it a bug? If not, how can I correct it?
1. Provide the correct number of columns in your table because in the preamble you specify two columns but each row in your table contains only a single row. 2. Drop the \JustLeft command which works only with the \starttable environment. 3. To change the alignment for the footnote entries add \raggedright before you flush them, e.g. \NC \raggedright \placelocalfootnotes \NC\NR Wolfgang