Hans Hagen 写道:
I uploaded a beta just before leaving for bachotek. Quite some structure (lua) code has been overhauled and i need to finish some bits.
Have fun!
As I'm redoing the backend as well as cross referencing some interaction features might be broken but normally they are easy to fix (once i know what fails). So, best collect all bugs while i'm away so that i can deal with then at once.
I got an error here. ! Argument of \dotripletestemptyx has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } \doif #1#2->\edef \!!stringa {#1} \edef \!!stringb {#2}\ifx \!!stringa \!!str... \dostructurecountercomponent ...\c!title }\v!none {\setfalse \hasstructureco... \docompletefloat ...c!title ={#4},\c!bookmark =][] \globallet \currentfloatnu... <argument> ...\footnote {Test footnote.}}\nextbox \else \docompletefloat {ta... ... l.13 {\placelocalfootnotes} Minimal example: \starttext \startlocalfootnotes \placetable{Test table\footnote{Test footnote.}} \placelegend{ \starttable[|l|l|] \HL \NC East \NC North \NC \FR \NC West \NC South \NC \LR \HL \stoptable} {\placelocalfootnotes} \stoplocalfootnotes \stoptext 2. And another thing I have mentioned before. I just want to arise your attention. The underlines set by textbackground are not stable. Their vertical positions are not predictable. Minimal example: \startuseMPgraphic{mpos:par:columnset:textuline} \iftracepositions show_multi_pars \else draw_multi_pars \fi ; path p ; p := boundingbox currentpicture ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0,0.1*StrutDepth) ; setbounds currentpicture to p ; \stopuseMPgraphic \definetextbackground [underline] [location=text, alternative=1, mp=mpos:par:columnset:textuline, background=, frame=off] \starttext \underline{blurblur} \underline{blurblur} \underline{blurblur} \underline{blurblur} \stoptext Best wishes, Wei-Wei