This code now fails where before contextbeta had no problems: tex error > tex error on line 101 in file Info/waarneming.tex: ! Misplaced alignment tab character & <recently read> & l.101 H(I,J) & = H(I) + H(J|I)\qquad&\hbox{\ineq[eq:equivoc]}\cr 99 \placeformula\startformula 100 \eqalignno{ 101 >> H(I,J) &= H(I) + H(J|I)\qquad&\hbox{\ineq[eq:equivoc]}\cr 102 W(I,J) &= H(J) - H(J|I)\qquad&\hbox{\ineq[eq:wedinfo]}\cr 103 } 104 \stopformula This happens in ConTeXt ver: 2017.04.16 12:32 MKIV beta fmt: 2017.4.16 int: english/english I am not sure when this started to happen, but for sure after 2016-02-12. Here is a minimal example to run: \starttext \placeformula\startformula \eqalignno{ 3x - 4y &= 5 \cr x + 7 &= -2y \cr z &= 2 } \stopformula \stoptext Hans van der Meer