I tried grabbing the latest justtex.zip and linuxtex.zip from
and texexec --make --all is dying on:
assuming engine : mpost
This is MetaPost, Version 0.901 (Web2C 7.5.5) (INIMP)
! I can't find file `plain.mp'.
l.27 input plain.mp
; % John Hobby's file
Please type another input file name:
I'm basically doing the following. I'm pretty sure it has worked in the
past. Is it not correct?
mkdir p $TEXDIR
unzip justtex.zip d $TEXDIR
unzip linuxtex.zip d $TEXDIR
chmod a+x $TEXDIR/tex/texmflinux/bin/*
source $TEXDIR/tex/setuptex $TEXDIR/tex
cd /tmp ; texexec make all
Stuart Jansen