Am Montag, 06.10.03, um 13:18 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Pawel
But I still can't get an idea of copying '.rme' to '.ini' since '.rme' file can be read as well. Is that an easy way to save orginal config file untouched?
.rme is overwritten at each update, your manually adapted .ini stays.
So that is the answer! Thanks a lot.
and updating ls-R, the problem still appear, means that format generated with proper command texexec --make --language=pl,en --bodyfont=plr en doesn't use the proper default font.... So I'm afraid it's not the solution.
I think you must change that in cont-usr.tex (copy from cont-usr.ori, same reason). This file resides in texmf/tex/context/base.
I have tested a lot of modifiction of 'cont-usr.tex' (without effects)... About two hours ago (following Patrick's hint) I added '--alone' option while generating format and than bad dream disappeared. The conclusion is that (probably) bypassing fmtutil in such special cases makes format generating more reliable. Probably the best (quite advanced) way is to generate 'strange' formats using directly 'tex_engine --ini ...' command, but I'm not sure if I can generate proper context format in this way. I'm afraid it's not my ligue yet :-] Thanks, Pawe/l