Friday, July 8, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:
Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Practical example: when I set up palatino, the typescript file set 'modern' as the typeface (which again tries to load the lm files :))
Assume now that I want to overrule that choice, and only that choice. Can I do this from within my source file?
one problem is that a typescript not always defines rm, ss tt mm so that leaves you with holes in your font system; one option is to nil the preloader in for instance the palatino typescript; put this in your local copy of cont-sys.tex:
\let\preloadfonts\relax \usetypescript[palatino][\defaultencoding] \setupbodyfont[palatino,rm,12pt]
I already nihiled preloadfonts in my cont-loc. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to compile anything so far :) The problem is that the Palatino typescript *explictily* mentions 'modern' as its tt font (scaled by 1.75). I would like to override that in my source file. Is this possible? -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta