On 2. Nov 2017, at 15:17, Thomas Floeren
wrote: Hi,
I noticed that with one of the recent betas the right offset of my textbackgrounds doesn’t work properly anymore when the textbackground contains a multi-column “paragraph”.
A minimal:
\defineparagraphs [TestPar][n=2, distance=7mm] \setupparagraphs [TestPar][1][width=2em]
\definetextbackground [CB][ location=paragraph, backgroundcolor=gray, leftoffset=.3em, rightoffset=.3em, topoffset=.3em, bottomoffset=.3em, frame=off ]
\starttextbackground [CB] \dorecurse {40} {a b c } \stoptextbackground
\starttextbackground [CB] \startTestPar img \TestPar \dorecurse {40} {a b c } \stopTestPar \stoptextbackground
The first box is OK and as expected. But with the second one (containing a “paragraph”) the right offset gets miscalculated, so that the text runs into the edge of the background.
With a beta from July or so the behavior was still OK.
Any news on this? Just to know if I should wait for a fix, or rather adapt my existing documents. Thanks, -- Tom