If chapter titles are styled using the `before` option, the header texts on each first page of the documents (body|back|appendix)part are incorrect, because chapter name and number are empty. (Tested with ConTeXt version 2013.05.28 00:36 and 2013.09.03 10:22) Is this a bug? (If not, is there any other way to set `before` without breaking the headers?) Here an example: \setuphead[chapter][ before=\hairline\blank, %<<< headers work, if this line is removed after=\nowhitespace\hairline, ] \setuppagenumbering[location=] % clear page numbers \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setupheadertexts[chapter][pagenumber] \stopsectionblockenvironment \startsectionblockenvironment[bodypart] \setupheadertexts[{Chapter \getmarking[chapternumber]: \getmarking[chapter]}][pagenumber] \stopsectionblockenvironment \startsectionblockenvironment[backpart] \setupheadertexts[chapter][pagenumber] \stopsectionblockenvironment \startsectionblockenvironment[appendix] \setupheadertexts[{Appendix \getmarking[chapternumber]: \getmarking[chapter]}][pagenumber] \stopsectionblockenvironment \starttext \startfrontmatter \chapter{Front One} Here the header is correct. \chapter{Front Two} \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{Body One} Incorrect header on this page. \page[yes] Here the header is correct. \chapter{Body Two} \stopbodymatter \startbackmatter \chapter{Back One} Incorrect (none) header on this page. \chapter{Back Two} \stopbackmatter \startappendices \chapter{Appedix One} Incorrect header on this page. \chapter{Appedix Two} \stopappendices \stoptext Regards, Michael