On 11/11/2008 1:32 PM, Lars Huttar wrote:
On 11/6/2008 4:02 PM, Lars Huttar wrote:
On 11/6/2008 3:49 PM, Lars Huttar wrote:
Hello, I've just been trying to install context on Ubuntu 8.10. Today I went to http://minimals.contextgarden.net/setup/ and followed the instructions:
On unix (linux, mac, freebsd, sun, ...) run:
mkdir context && cd context rsync -ptv rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/setup/first-setup.sh . ./first-setup.sh The first-setup script initially failed because I did not have ruby installed. So I installed ruby and then ran it again.
It cranked away for awhile, then ended up with the error: ! I can't find file `core-swd'. <to be read again> \relax l.228 \loadmkiifile{core-swd}
The preceding output was: Let me add a little more preceding output: (/home/.../context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/core-sec.mkii loading : Context Core Macros / Sectioning ...
systeem : markering subsubsubsubonderwerpnummer gedefinieerd [subsubsubsubonderwerpnummer] )
However, when I do a search, I see that there is a file core-swd.mkii. Its path is context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base (I kid you not -- tex and context each show up three times in the path!)
Can anybody suggest how to fix the problem? Just for kicks, I tried the following. The prompt said Please type another input file name: so I entered "core-swd.mkii" (i.e. I added the .mkii suffix). This seemed to satisfy the processor ... until the same error happened again a little while later (with the same preceding output). This happened about 4 times total.
Was that a legitimate solution? Or should it really be looking for a core-swd.tex file?
Thanks, Lars
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Can your try this:
mtxrun --selfupdate luatools --selfupdate context --generate context --make en
I guess I should first delete the core-swd.tex that I got from cache? (Did that...)
mtxrun gives "command not found"... So I added context/bin to the PATH.
Then I ran mtxrun again and got /usr/bin/env: texlua: No such file or directory.
Later I found http://wiki.contextgarden.net/ConTeXt_Minimals#First_Installation which said to add something like "source [dir...]/context/tex/setuptex [dir...]/context/tex" to the system startup script.
(It would be helpful to add a prominent link to http://wiki.contextgarden.net/ConTeXt_Minimals#First_Installation from the instructions at http://minimals.contextgarden.net/setup/, labeled "Please see more complete instructions here". There is currently a link between those two pages, but it is labeled "These might eventually become a new minimal ConTeXt distribution" which doesn't suggest that you need to visit the link to supplement the installation instructions already given.)
After adding the above source line, the four commands you asked me to try run without obvious errors.
No base/core-swd.tex file appears.
Is there something specific I should look for to tell whether the above commands solved my problem? Should I run first-setup.sh again?
I ran first-setup.sh again, because that was where I first encountered the error "I can't find file `core-swd'." It gave the same error again, even after running the four commands you suggested, Wolfgang. I don't know the setup well enough to know whether this means that the problem was not solved, or whether it means that the problem was solved by the four commands but was unsolved by first-setup.sh. Lars