On 27 Dec 2024, at 10:03, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Bruce Horrocks schrieb am 27.12.2024 um 00:09:
Trying to include a URL as a clickable link using \goto but in the generated PDF the underlying link is corrupted.
\setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \goto{https://www.mclpcb.com/blog/polyimide-pcb-material-information-fr4-vs-polyimide-pcb/} [https://www.mclpcb.com/blog/polyimide-pcb-material-information-fr4-vs-polyim...)] \stoptext
Becomes: https://www.mclpcb.com/blog/polyimide%C2%ADpcb%C2%ADmaterial%C2%ADinformatio... Note hyphens changed and the URL has been truncated.
To get working links use url(...) for the second argument and to ensure it breaks at proper points in text use \hypehantedurl{...} for the first argument.
Thanks Wolfgang and Hans - it was the missing url(...) where I seem to be incapable of cutting and pasting properly anymore! I'm surprised that anything got put into the PDF - if it had failed to do anything then I think I would have realised. Oh well, live and learn. :-) Regards, — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK