19 Mar
19 Mar
8:32 a.m.
Am 19.03.2009 um 15:19 schrieb Peter Rolf:
Hi Hans,
looks my knowledge of TeX is holey like a Leerdammer. Can you tell me why you fire a warning for already defined, non-global allocated registers? Some of them make sense here but even a grouped (and local allocated) register gives such a warning.
Because it's nonsense what you do, just assign the value to your counter inside of the group and will be keeped local. \newcount\OLDpdfcompresslevel \def\disablePDFcompression {\bgroup \OLDpdfcompresslevel\pdfcompresslevel \pdfcompresslevel\zerocount\relax} \def\allowPDFcompression {\pdfcompresslevel\OLDpdfcompresslevel\egroup} Wolfgang