Am 18.10.2010 um 14:18 schrieb Otared Kavian:
Your solution works as intended when the framed, highlighted text with background spans over two pages (though it doesn't when it spans over three pages or more, but this is not a real issue, since it is a bad idea to have such long highlighted texts…).
I guess this is also possible with textbackground: \newcounter\CurrentBackground \def\StartBackground {\doglobal\increment\CurrentBackground \setposition{Background:b:\CurrentBackground}% \startbackground} \def\StopBackground {\stopbackground \setposition{Background:e:\CurrentBackground}} \def\DrawBackground {\ifnum\MPp{Background:b:\CurrentBackground}=\MPp{Background:e:\CurrentBackground} \startMPcode draw topboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; draw bottomboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; draw leftboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; draw rightboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; \stopMPcode \else\ifnum\realpageno=\MPp{Background:b:\CurrentBackground} \startMPcode draw topboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; draw leftboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; draw rightboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; \stopMPcode \else\ifnum\realpageno=\MPp{Background:e:\CurrentBackground} \startMPcode draw bottomboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; draw leftboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; draw rightboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; \stopMPcode \else \startMPcode draw leftboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; draw rightboundary OverlayBox withcolor red ; \stopMPcode \fi\fi\fi} \defineoverlay[DrawBackground][\DrawBackground] \starttext \setupbackground[background=DrawBackground] \input knuth \StartBackground \dorecurse{12}{\input knuth\par} \StopBackground \input knuth \StartBackground \input knuth\par \StopBackground \input knuth \stoptext Wolfgang