27 Apr
27 Apr
7:38 a.m.
Am 27.04.10 09:23, schrieb Tomáš Pustelník:
I have just another question. On wiki in System macros/ Handling arguments (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/System_Macros/Handling_Arguments) are mentioned these macros: \dosingleargumentwithset \command[#1] \dodoubleargumentwithset \command[#1][#2] \dotripleargumentwithset \command[#1][#2][#3] \dodoubleemptywithset \command[#1][#2] \dotripleemptywithset \command[#1][#2][#3] I'm not sure but I think, that I read somewhere that these are old and obsolete. Is true or these macros are still in use and I just mistook it?
Sure, the macros are used in the description and block element code. Wolfgang