Hi Antoine, do you have also questions on beginners level or has everything to be on expert level.
I'm quite new to context and I'm not sure about the best way to achieve the layout I've in mind. You may find a representation of my layout in the attached PDF.
Can someone help me by giving some tips on how to proceed to achieve such a result. What's the best technique? The best method?
It's hard to say what't the best method in your case is because more information are needed. The first thing that came to my mind was to reduce the text area to a narrow column and place the extra text and the figures and a wide left margin. \setuplayout [backspace=12.5cm, width=6.7cm, leftmargin=6.7cm, leftmargindistance=4cm, topspace=3.4cm, header=.5cm, headerdistance=2cm, height=19.2cm] %\showframe \starttext \inmargin{\raggedright\input ward}\input knuth \page \placefigure [inleft] {Caption} {\framed[width=4cm,height=3cm]{}} \input knuth \stoptext Wolfgang