On Thu, 19 Nov 2020, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 11/19/2020 8:12 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
I use \externalfigure[filename.mp4] to include a video in a presentation. Is it possible to autostart the video automatically when the page is loaded? Video (and audio) and acrobat ... any browser can play a video but it seems too complex for adobes pdf viewers and technology
I understand and am pretty frustrated with Adobe (they had decent support on linux but simply gave up at some stage)....However, sometimes videos are the best way to present some information in a presentation. The method that you sent in the other message: \gotobox{\externalfigure[cow.pdf]}[url(woodwork.mp4)] works (clicking on the file opens the file in an external viewer) but I prefer to show the video inside the PDF. My current solution is to use pdfpc (https://pdfpc.github.io/), which is able to play the usual \externalfigure[filename.mp4] videos well...just that I need to click the video in order to start it. They do have a latex specific method to autostart a video...I'll try to see if I can figure out what is the actual PDF code that needs to be embedded and try to replicate it in context. Aditya