Ciao Taco,
That reminds me: we are hoping you'll be willing to do a presentation of your music typesetting :-)
I'm always thinking about writing down some notes. I think I can do it in July. Two days later I presented some considerations on algorithmic composition and automatic notation in our internal seminar, showing the ConTeXt+LilyPond connection. I will put soon some (125..) slides on line, but they're in Italian. (This was the abstract in English:
Algorithmic composition and musical notation: a report on the on-going project "I 6 nodi".
Apart from many ante litteram examples, algorithmic musical composition has been proposed and practiced extensively since the '50s. Actually, it seems that this kind of approach has found its natural realm more in the electroacoustic domain than in the acoustic (instrumental) one. This is probably due also to the bottleneck of musical notation: not by chance many contemporary musical experimentations have been devoted to notation (Valle 2003). While the synthesis of audio samples (as implied by electroacoustic music) is a very simple technical task, the generation of musical notation (the effective output of the composer's work) requires a much greater effort. The talk will present a on-going project for algorithmic generation of musical notation which uses different open source libraries and softwares. In particular, the discussed case is an extension of the GeoGraphy project (Valle - Lombardo 2003, Valle 2004): the goal is generating structures of musical notation for the piano series "I 6 nodi".
Valle 2003: La notazione musicale contemporanea. Aspetti semiotici ed estetici, Torino, EDT 2003. 2004: ``A Graph-Grammar for some local sound objects' relations in Stravinkij's Sacre'', Musica come Linguaggio- Secondo Simposio Internazionale sulle Scienze del Linguaggio Musicale, Saint-R\'emy-de-Provence, 14-17/10/2004.
Valle, A., Lombardo V., 2003 ``A two-level method to control granular synthesis'', XIV CIM - Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, Firenze, 8-10/05/203, pubbl. in XIV CIM 2003 - Computer Music: Past and Future, Proceedings: 136-140.
) I would have already subscribed to the meeting if it were not in the exact day (24) of the second birthday of my daughter....So, now I'm tinkering about a solution :-) Best -a- Andrea Valle DAMS - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione Università degli Studi di Torino http://www.semiotiche.it/andrea andrea.valle@unito.it