Dear Reader, 

I have a document with figures and tables. I have tried to use the command   \placefloats to create a list of all my floats as recommended on the page Floating Objects, section Flushing floats. There it states: The command \placefloats outputs all pending floats. I hoped to get a list with all tables, all figures and all other possible floats.That list would either be sorted per chapter or sorted per float. However, I was not able to make it work at all. 

In the appendix, you can find my struggles. 
\placefloats does not work.  

\placelistoffloats does not exist as a command

My solution is two seperate commands, one for the tables \placelistoftables and one for the figures \completelistoffigures.

Question: how to use \placefloats correctly to get a list of all floats?


\startcombination[1*2] looks nice, but does not add information to the \placelistoffigures .

My solution is to place the \startcombination inside a \placefigure.

Question: Is there a better way?

Kind regards, thanks,
