On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 09:02, Otared Kavian wrote:
Hi Mojca, Could you please post a full example where your newly defined biblio field works?
Sure. In reality it's just two things that you need to do: - \newbibfield[nameofyourkey] - you need to change \setuppublicationlayout for all the books/articles/etc. where you want to use that field First a simple example of a new entity (webpage), not a new biblio field. All the fields are already known though. \setuppublicationlayout[webpage]{% \inserttitle{\bgroup\it }{\egroup. }{}% \inserturl{}{}{}% } \startpublication [k=ESFRI,t=webpage,u=http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/] \biburl{http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/} \title{CORDIS: European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures} \stoppublication Here's an example of a new entity with a new field. I defined a new entity "conference" with two new fields "conference" for conference name and "cobissid" for unique slovenian identification of publications: \newbibfield[conference] \newbibfield[cobissid] % the date is formatted in Slovenian way (I just cloned one of my old examples): \setuppublicationlayout[conference]{% \insertartauthors{}{\unskip. }{}% \insertarttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup. }{}% \insertconference{\bgroup \it}{\egroup\insertday{, }{. }{}\insertmonth{}{\ }{}\insertpubyear{}{}{}. }{}% \insertcobissid{[\sc cobiss.si-id\ }{]}{}% } \startpublication [k=biblioexample, t=conference, y=2010, s=, u=, ] \artauthor[]{Otared}[O.]{}{Kavian} \arttitle{Something about bibliography} \conference{4th \ConTeXt\ meeting} \pubyear{2010}\month{September}\day{13-19} \cobissid{333} \stoppublication Now that I know how to do it, I would also add the following lines which redefine the way how \insertcobissid works, but this is fully optional and you would normally not need to do it: \unprotect \def\bibinsertcobissid#1#2#3% {{\bibdoifelse{\@@pb@cobissid}% {\edef\ascii{\@EA\detokenize\@EA{\@@pb@cobissid}}% #1\expanded{\gotoCOBISS{\@@pb@thekey}{\ascii}}#2}{#3}}} \protect \def\gotoCOBISS#1#2% {\ifbibinteractionelse {\useURL[bibfoo#1][http://www.cobiss.si/scripts/cobiss?command=DISPLAY&base=cobib&rid=#2]% \goto{#2}[url(bibfoo#1)]}% {#2}} Note that if you want to add a field to book, you need to completely rewrite the part with \setuppublicationlayout[book]{% but that depends a lot on the style you want to use. You would normally check one of tex files that comes with bib module and copy-paste from that one. This is my example where I wanted to add cobissid and isbn (and maybe other modifications that I don't remember), but your example would probably differ considerably, so do not blindly copy-paste from this example. \newif\ifeditedbook \setuppublicationlayout[book]{% \insertauthors{}{\unskip. }{\inserteditors{}{\unskip, editor% \ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi.% \ \global\editedbooktrue }{\insertthekey{}{\unskip. }{}}}% \inserttitle {\bgroup\it }% {\/\egroup \ifeditedbook.% \global\editedbookfalse \insertvolume { Number~}% {\insertseries { in~\bgroup}% {\egroup. }% {\insertcrossref{ in~}{}{. }}}% {\insertseries{ }{.}{} }% \else \insertcrossref {\insertchap{, }{}{}% \insertpages{, pages }{. }{. }% \insertvolume{Volume~}{ of~}{}% }% {}% {\insertvolume {, volume~}% {\insertseries { of~\bgroup\it}% {\egroup} {}} {}% \insertchap{, }{}{}% \insertpages{, pages }{.}{.}% }% \fi}% {}% \insertpublisher { }% {\insertedition{, }{ edition}{}% \insertpubyear{, }{.}{.}}% {\insertedition{, }{ edition}{}% \insertpubyear{, }{.}{.}}% \insertpages{ }{p.}{}% \insertisbn{ {\sc isbn}: \bgroup\os}{\egroup.}{}% \insertcobissid{ {\sc cobiss.si-id}: \bgroup\os}{\egroup.}{}% \insertdoi{ {\sc doi}: }{.}{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% }
In some occasions I have had analogous needs (references to papers on arxive.org for instance, or other repositories. It would be handy to know how one can add such bibliography fields.