Hans Hagen writes:
At 16:27 07/04/2003 -0500, you wrote:
That manual does not discuss columnsets but rather pseudo columns AFAIK
Anyone remember the command for forcing a new column in the columnset environment?
Thanks to Hans & others (although to be clear I did not ask the question about forcing new column). The details.pdf discusses pseudo-columns, but its discussion of the placement of floats did help me. I have been able to mostly do what I wanted to do through playing with the setup. I do have one question: is it possible to place floats in columnsets like left or right floats in regular text & columns? (I don't know if that is what they are formally called. You know the kind, I am sure.) +++ kjl fdsa jkls +++ asdfhdsf asdf fsd ksd jkfkj qweyre uirt vncmd Thanks for the help. -Erik Hetzner