Hi, anybody at any time should add the appropriate settings for German to the lang-ger.tex file: \unprotect \setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!page=Seite~] \setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!atpage=auf Seite~] \setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!hencefore=oben] \setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!hereafter=unten] \protect \setuplanguage [de] [lefthyphenmin=2,righthyphenmin=3] \setuphyphenmark[sign=normal] This is no major problem, but it is inconvenient to have to add the settings each and any time when you make a new document, or to have a corrrection file in your texmf-local (not the proper way). The lefthyphenmin=2 may be subject to discuss, but in real life this is the way we separate words. I know that it was considered ugly by some people/insitutions, but I think these considerations are rather obsolete. Set it to 3 if your doc has >90 letters/line in general. But this shouldn't be the default setting. Think of all the prefixed verbs 'ergreifen', 'erstatten' etc. It *may* lead to *some* unwanted separations, but this should be handled by the hyphenation patterns. Best wishes Thomas