Hi all, After some years with LaTeX and let's say three or four times trying to start with ConTeXt, I decided to try again. Difficult, there are many manuals and a lot of contradicting ideas (at least for those of us that do not know) in them, but still, I want to try to see if once and for all I can manage to dominate it. I have installed MacTeX 2018. I use TextMate, and the ConTeXt bundle is not working in Mac OS High Sierra. After installing it, when I tried to compile it said something along the lines "your PATH is ... you should have 'context' in your path", so I searched in my computer and changed TextMate PATH to: $PATH:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/texbin:/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix And this last part is where I think the context binary seems to be /usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix But now when I run it it says env: texlua: No such file or directory What could be happening? What do I do? Also, the bundle was last updated in 2010, may be there are new things? Where could we learn what things to add? https://github.com/pgundlach/context.tmbundle Any updated documentation that takes you from beginner to intermediate would be apreciated too. Thanks, Manuel