Hi all, pardon my ignorance, but how can I define custom colors for pretty printing xml in current mkiv? I tried defining a palet, I tried defining the usual colors prettyone etc., but to no avail. And, on a related note: are the files pret-lua.lua pret-mp.lua pret-tex.lua pret-xml.lua no longer part of mkiv? What has replaced them? I attach an example which works with mkii and with my older installation of mkiv (2010.10.22 16:46) but not with the current beta (2010.12.02 08:51). Thomas \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor[paleblue][r=0.5,g=0.5,b=0.9] \definecolor[palered] [r=0.9,g=0.5,b=0.5] \definecolor[palecyan][r=0.41,g=0.84,b=0.84] \setuptyping[option=color, % palet=colorpretty, bodyfont=10pt, before={\startframedtext[width=\makeupwidth, background=screen, frame=off, backgroundscreen=.9]}, after={\stopframedtext}] \definepalet[MYcolors] [prettyone=paleblue, prettytwo=palecyan, prettythree=palered, prettyfour=darkgreen] \definepalet[XMLcolorpretty][MYcolors] \starttext \startXML <main type="important">hello world</main> \stopXML \stoptext