<--- On Dec 26, David Arnold wrote --->
In mp-grid.mp, I find this definition:
def hlingrid (expr Min, Max, Step, Length, Width) text t = image ( for i=Min step Step until Max+grid_eps : draw (origin--(Width,0)) shifted (0,i*(Length/Max)) t ; endfor ; ) ; enddef ;
See the text t at the end of the first line? Can someone tell me what that does and can I have a small example of its use?
I think, (I can not test it right now), that this should allow you to do things like hlingrid(0,10,0.1,5cm,3cm) withcolor 0.5white ; which will draw the line with 50% gray, and hlingrid(0,10,0.1,5cm,3cm) dashed evenly ; which will draw a dashed grid and so on. Aditya -- Aditya Mahajan, EECS Systems, University of Michigan http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~adityam || Ph: 7342624008