Mojca Miklavec a écrit :
Nice work! I can't read French, but the figures are very nice and content is probably interesting as well ;)
I didn't know that people were indeed using the module already (I started using it more regularly only recently).
dunno (but hope so because of the result...)
Now one question: how exactly did you create/include the plots? With "which version of the module"? I don't mind if some of my plots break if I slightly change the interface before officially releasing it, but I don't want other people to have problems with that.
You're right. I've used the latest darcs' release (up to the "points added, some options, etc..." patch). For the inclusion, it's better to have an example in mind: %%%% file curves.gp set terminal context input textext linewidth .3 size 1.2 set output "curves.tex" set xlabel "$x$ (m)" set ylabel "$z$ (m)" set notitle plot sin(x) with lines lw 2 notitle set xlabel "$t$ (s)" set ylabel "a label" set notitle plot cos(x) %%%% file gpsample.tex: \usemodule[t-gnuplot] \setupcolors[state=start] \starttext \processGNUPLOTfile[mybeautifulcurves][curves] \placefigure[here]{none}{ \startcombination[1*2] {\useMPgraphic{gpg:mybeautifulcurves:1}}{$\sin$} {\useMPgraphic{gpg:mybeautifulcurves:2}}{$\cos$} \stopcombination } \stoptext The output is processed using: gnuplot curves.gp texexec gpsample With this method, the gnuplot call delivers a curves.tex file one could keep as long as the plot doesn't change... Can be usefull when you have a big document! ;) I'll write a paper entitled "How to get a PhD with... ConTeXt" asap (I have the summary and the ideas but time is missing these days, as always and, moreover because of my new job...). It'll mainly be a paper about integration (m-bib, gnuplot, mp, etc...) Best regards Renaud PS: what will you do to manage your gnuplot module for ConTeXt ? Include it into official gnuplot ? It's maybe the time to keep it "well managed", with supelec foundry for example... What your opinion ?