On Aug 11, 2009, at 12:59 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
Hi all, I'm working on my Greek module again and am trying to filter and massage the input via lpeg, but there's something I don't quite get. As a minimal example: suppose I want to substitute A and B in my input with X and leave all other letters alone. Here's my attempt:
brrr ... massaging input ... can be dangerous ... anyhow, here you go
Thanks Hans! I know it's not a good thing, but I do want to find a method to support ASCII transliteration in mkiv. I have learnt lots of interesting things about fea files in the past, the most important being that they are not the way to go (something that Taco had told me very early in my attempts; I should have listened to him...) So now I try to transform the input via lpeg. It's just a stopgap, but maybe better than nothing. Thanks, all best Thomas