Using the attached minimal example with biblio.bib, how can I get an alphabetical publication-list with surname-Initials etc. when using numbers in the thext? Shouldn't that be default? It is when using authoryear in the text (comment/uncomment the relevant lines). mkiv, current version: 2011.04.03 22:32. Mac 10.6.7 Thanks, Jörg On Apr 28, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Hagmann Jörg wrote:
Thanks, Wolfgang - and a follow-up question:
I have no time for a minimal example - if there is no quick and obvious answer, tell me and I'll prepare one later. I have numbers in the text and want \invertedshortauthor in the publicationlist. But I get "First Name-Initial-Surname..." no matter what I try. If I have Name-Year in the text, it comes out the way I want it.
I tried, e.g.: ----------------- \setupbibtex[database={manuscript}] \setuppublications[alternative=num,criterium=text,sorttype=cite]
\setuppublicationlist[author={\invertedshortauthor}] %should be default anyway?
\starttext \placepublications[criterium=text] \stoptext -----------------
Thanks, Jörg