Am Wed, 24 Jul 2019 11:04:17 +0200 schrieb Hans Hagen:
we got a bug report that some (proprietary) mac fonts don't work correctly. The reason seem to be that the OpenType cmap format used by these fonts isn't supported by the fontloader.
The necessary cmap formats are "platform 0 (Unicode), encoding 1 (Unicode 1.1(?)), format 12" and maybe as a fallback "platform 1 (Mac), encoding 0 (Roman), format 0".
A test would be
\starttext \font\oddfont="Big Caslon Medium" \oddfont A \stoptext
what filename ... when i copy ACaslonPro-Regular from a (by now obsolete and old) mac it seems to work
The bug report mentions these filenames: Heiti TC Light [STHeiti Light.ttc](0) 壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖拾 Heiti SC Light [STHeiti Light.ttc](1) 汉体书写信息技术标准相容 Heiti TC Medium [STHeiti Medium.ttc](0) 壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖拾 Heiti SC Medium [STHeiti Medium.ttc](1) 汉体书写信息技术标准相容 Big Caslon Medium [BigCaslon.ttf] ABCDEFGHIJKLM GB18030 Bitmap [NISC18030.ttf] 汉体书写信息技术标准相容 Webdings [Webdings.ttf] Wingdings [Wingdings.ttf] Wingdings 2 [Wingdings 2.ttf] Wingdings 3 [Wingdings 3.ttf] LiHei Pro [LiHeiPro.ttf] 壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖拾 LiSong Pro [LiSongPro.ttf] 壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖拾 STFangsong [STFANGSO.ttf] 汉体书写信息技术标准相容 STXihei [STXIHEI.ttf] 汉体书写信息技术标准相容 STHeiti [STHEITI.ttf] 汉体书写信息技术标准相容 Yuanti SC Light [Yuanti.ttc](4) 汉体书写信息技术标准相容 Yuanti SC [Yuanti.ttc](0) 汉体书写信息技术标准相容 Yuanti SC Bold [Yuanti.ttc](2) Imho Marcel only checked the lua and the cmap for Big Caslon. https://github.com/u-fischer/luaotfload/files/3423044/ttx-BigCaslon.txt https://github.com/u-fischer/luaotfload/files/3422873/bigcaslon.lua.zip -- Ulrike Fischer http://www.troubleshooting-tex.de/