\setlayerframed is great - no need to define a layer for each piece of content. That was new to me. Now, to make sure that I have understood correctly by comparing code and output:
\setlayerframed [page] [preset=lefttop] [align=normal, width=.25\paperwidth, frame=off] {\getbuffer}
This will be placed with its top left corner at the top left edge of the page.
\setlayerframed [page] [offset=.2\paperwidth, preset=righttop] [width=.2\paperwidth, align=normal] {\getbuffer}
With the top right corner at the top right edge of the page, with an offset (both x and y) of 0.2\paperwidth.
\setlayerframed [page] [preset=middle] [offset=1cm] {\externalfigure[whatever][width=4cm,height=5cm]}
Centered on the page. Ok. But it doesn't solve my problem. What I want to do is: - Place X somewhere. - Place Y with its top left corner 2cm below bottom center point of X. (Or some other reference point among tl, t , tr, l, c, r, bl, b, br.) You see, I don't know exactly what goes into the layers and how big it is, but I want to place someting else exactly beneath it. Can this be done? -- Eckhart