Hi Hans, Thanks for your insight! Indeed I'll wikify what you explained, once I have tested it with the next upload. Would \HL and \VL be also available in mkiv ? Best regards: Otared
On 26 Nov 2020, at 23:23, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 11/26/2020 8:43 PM, Otared Kavian wrote:
Hi Jean-Philippe, A few weeks ago I saw briefly the discussion about Hans' message regarding \noalign and the the new definitions of \HR and \VR that you are sending. Indeed your solution works great ! Just for the case other people may have the same question about writing block matrix, I copy below the whole example which can be found later in the mail archive. (For mkiv, I don't know how to do the same thing…).
The \noaligned permits a \protected definition. Otherwise one has to do something
that command then does the rule and ends the noalign. Also, that one cannot be \protected (a pitty in case one uses \expanded or so)
So ... a multistep approach. Plenty of that in mkiv.
%%% begin block-matrix.tex % in LMTX defining \HR and \VR to create block matrices: \pushoverloadmode \noaligned\tolerant\protected\def\HR[#1]{\noalign{\hrule #1}} \popoverloadmode \def\VR{\dosingleempty\doVR} \def\doVR[#1]{\NC \hskip-0.5em \vrule #1 \hskip-0.5em \NC}
given the \HR definition that should be
\tolerant\protected\def\VR[#1]{\NC ...\NC}
\definemathmatrix[mymatrix] [left={\left(\,}, right={\, \right)}] \starttext \startformula \startmymatrix \NC A \VR B \NR \HR \NC C \VR D \NR \stopmymatrix \stopformula \stoptext
Anyway, a feature like this should be in sync with other table mechanisms, so
\definemathmatrix [mymatrix] [left={\left\lparent\thinspace}, right={\thinspace\right\rparent}]
\startformula \startmymatrix \NC A \VL B \NR \HL \NC C \VL D \NR \stopmymatrix \stopformula
\startformula \startmymatrix \NC A \VL[3,green] B \NR \HL[10,red] \NC C \VL D \NR \stopmymatrix \stopformula
A bit more code needed but the next upload will have it. Of course you have to wikify it.
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