I have written a Venn diagram metapost file, which I successfully ran on Troy Henderson's metapost previewer while at work. prologues:=3; verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{minimal} \begin{document} etex beginfig(1); draw (0,0)--(200,0)--(200,160)--(0,160)--(0,0); draw fullcircle scaled 80 shifted (80,80); draw fullcircle scaled 80 shifted (120,80); label.lrt (btex $\xi$ etex,(0,160)); label.lrt (btex $A$ etex, (40, 120)); label.llft (btex $B$ etex,(160,120)); endfig; end; However, now that I am working on it at home, the error message "no file 'mpx314.aux'" appears when I try to compile it. I have tried it on my older system (Miktex 2.6 running on Vista) and on my laptop (Miktex 2.8 running on Vista Home Premium). Actually, on the laptop I also get a popup telling me that "dvitomp.exe has stopped working" and directing me to the Windows update page. Am I doing something silly, or is this a bug, or what? Thanks kindly. Joel.