On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 23:09 -0400, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
What are the first 10-15 lines of /ifs2/S2PH/qiuhw/opt/context-1008/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/vim/t-vim.tex?
$ head -15 /ifs2/S2PH/qiuhw/opt/context-1008/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/vim/t-vim.tex %D \module %D [ file=t-vim, %D version=2011.09.03, %D title=\CONTEXT\ User Module, %D subtitle=Vim syntax highlighting, %D author=Aditya Mahajan, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=Aditya Mahajan, %D email=adityam <at> ieee <dot> org, %D license=Simplified BSD License] \writestatus{loading}{Vim syntax highlighting (ver: 2011.09.03)} \startmodule [vim] \usemodule [filter]
The vim module usually gives a message
loading > Vim syntax highlighting
(or some variation of it...I have changed the default message recently), but that message is missing in your log.
My guess is that the t-vim module that you have is somehow corrupted, and therefore, \definevimtyping command is undefined.
This couldn't be the problem (anyhow, I attached the 15 lines of t-vim.tex above), since I have said in my previous messages that if I copied the neccessary files from the tex/texmf-modules to the current directory it works just fine, and the problem are not only relates to t-vim module, all of the modules under tex/texmf-modules and tex/texmf-local just does not work.