Hi Albert,
Fantastic news. Thanks to Pandoc and completions in editors I can create great looking documents at the speed of light... Since you've asked for ideas or suggestions here are a few: ** Create a Pandoc markdown directive that woulc allow for document includes - in the style and spirit of Context components. ** Add the ability to place a pandoc.yaml file in the folder so it can be picked by Pandoc to get options for this folder and contained documents, ** Use LUA to run something like pipes inside Pandoc itself - LUA could be the format for the 'pandoc' file I've mentioned, ** Something Context and accessibility related: Screen readers allow to navigate quickly by element type, for example: heading / list / form elements. Headings are very useful to quickly move around the document but htere is one corner case. Context splits the heading number and heading itself into separate parts. When doing this quick navigation the user hears for example: 1.2 or 3.4 and need to reach for the arrow keys to scroll to the next logical line to read the very heading. I don't know if it is possible at the tagging level to combine the number and the heading tible togehter wiht a space in between, os htey are not stringed together in an unnatural way. Taggs are a bit like a parallel universe. Please drop a line if you would like to digg further... All the best, Pawel