On 2020-08-11, Pablo Rodriguez
On 8/11/20 9:24 PM, Nicola wrote:
Thank Pablo, Wolfgang, I have learned more by reading your replies than by myself in the rest of the afternoon.
Hi Nicola,
if you found replies useful, please update the wiki (this may help others).
Just one more thing: [...] I'd prefer all the titles to be aligned:
Preface I XYZ ... VIII XYZ ...
I have tried to do my homework by playing with \setuphead, but I am afraid I need your help on this.
Sorry, but too tired to type a sample.
How about setting distance for \setuplist[chapter] in the sectionblock frontpart with the desired width?
That does not seem to change the layout, unfortunately. I have tried with `margin` and `aligntitle` as well: \setuplist[chapter][distance=1cm,aligntitle=yes] \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setuplist[chapter][aligntitle=yes,margin=2cm,distance=2cm] \stopsectionblockenvironment I'll take a fresh look tomorrow. Nicola