Le 24 oct. 04, à 20:30, Denis Roegel a écrit :
A new problem is that the label sep is to big from thes arcs, and I'm not able to ajust it. The "labshift" option doesn't seem to work with ncarc, althought it works for the nodes. ... this was possibly corrected in an unreleased version of metaobj: http://www.loria.fr/~roegel/metaobj.mp
Thank very much!! 1 - firstly, T've know solved my initial problem, and I've been able to build my first non-pstrick figure (thank to this mailing help). So the next points are not criticals for me. See them just as remarks or suggestions (but any help is still welcomme :-) 2 - about the "off topic": As denis is on this list, what is the best mailing for talking about metaObj Denis? 3 - about the metaObj prerelease: I suggest that the last package (metaobj.mp and its pdf doc) are not hidden, but accessible (and refered from Metapost page) from a public directory; The MetaObj package could be as important as Metapost itself for the ex-pstricks users; so it should be easy to get the last version 4 - about ConTeXt and Metapost: What should I put in the "verbatimtex ... etex" header to be able to use ConTexT in btex..etex instead of LaTex? (I don't want use (for now ) the "inside ConTeXt document" method for the sake of environnement robustness, and for reusability) 5 - about metapost: How can I build the string to give to TeX as in string str; str = "x^2" btex \large F = <str> etex or perhaps somthing like : string str; str = "btex \large F = " & str é " etex" eval(str) 6 - about Metaobj user class I'd have build two macros (see the end of this mail): - buildActivity(xxx) % buildActivity: % name: the name of the new node % inFig; figuure to put in the circle % botFig; figuure to put under the circle % topFig; figuure to put above the circle % coord : position of the center of the circle % Example : % buildActivity(n0, btex\large 0 etex, btex b0 etex, btex u0 etex, z0); from which I think I will be able to build a new more or less generic Node class with some options and default behavior, - buildArc(xxx) % buildArc(nodeSrc, nodeDst, labshift, labangle, labelFig) which was more difficult to tune (for me, as a Metapost beginner) Also I hadn't use it for my application because of the lack of genericity. In fact, Id'like to build a new class (newArc) which could be considere as an object by itself, with its own set of options. (in particular default connector should be ncline, but easy to change to support all the metaObj connector) I think these two macros could serve as a good exemple of the power of metaObj, and would be much more readable than psTricks (i.e. TeX langage) ! Thank you very much for these tools and for any other help, Maurice, -- http://www.ensta.fr/~diam/