30 Oct
30 Oct
10:41 p.m.
On Oct 30, 2009, Oliver Buerschaper wrote:
Well, if your engine is pdftex (from an unpatched TeXLive 2008) then chances are you're running into the nasty (TM) font cache bug:
One other question. which pdftex shows that it's in the minimal distribution They released a patch for this problem in April 2009. Specifically, they patched the binary files dvips and pdftex Have these patches been applied to the versions of dvips and pdftex in the minimals? If not, is there any reason why I shouldn't substitute these patched versions for the ones in the minimals? Thanks. mjg Source for the patch: http://www.tug.org/mactex/fontcache/ http://www.tug.org/mactex/fontcache/patchedbinaries.tar.gz