On Wednesday 05 March 2003 19:16, you wrote:
--- Jens-Uwe Morawski
wrote: On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 08:45:24 -0800 (PST) "James J. Ramsey"
I'm running Red Hat 8.0, with teTeX-1.0.7.
i would prefer an update at least to TEXLive7 and the current ConTeXt
Easier said than done on most Linux distros. teTeX is "standard equipment" on many of them, and often a dependency.
Oh no, it's easy, I replaced it on SuSE. Here are the steps: Forget about rpm, just pretend tht everything is there. Make sure you are a priviledged user. 1) remove /usr/share/texmf (or wherever RetHat puts it). 2) install TeXLive 7 (or wait till 8 comes out) in /usr/share/TeX 3) find out where the executable lives (which tex) 4) replace all symlinks in that directory with symlinks to the binaries of TeXLive. 5) add a symlink to you new main texmf tree in /usr/share/texmf The other packages should see no difference. A package manager is fine, but if you want to have an advanced tex (current tex), you should not rely on RedHat or SuSe. Both seem to downgrade tex more and more, and favour OpenOffice, since that is what point-and-click users expect. I get the same rash from either OpenOffice or MS Office, so I guess this doesn't really apply to the part of the demographics subscribed to this list. Cheers (sorry for the rant) Maarten