Am 23.02.2014 um 20:09 schrieb Xan
Am 22.02.2014 um 18:45 schrieb Xan <dxpublica at telefonica.net>:
No, it does not work.
I have this:
% Questions \defineenumeration [exercici] [alternative=serried,text={\startcolor[darkblue]Exercici\stopcolor},stopper={.\space},left={\bgroup},right={\egroup},width=fit,headstyle=\ss,distance=0.25em,width=fit,before={\incrementcounter[resposta]}]
% Answers \defineenumeration[resposta][headstyle=\ss,text={Solucions de l'exercici \getnumber[exercici]},width=fit,alternative=serried,before={\decrementcounter[resposta]},number=no]
\defineblock[resposta] \hideblocks[resposta]
% Exercises
\startexercici Bla... \beginresposta \resposta (Solucions: \startitemize[a,text] \item D, \item I, \item D, \item No té relació, \item D, \item D, \item No té relació, \item No té relació, \item D.\stopitemize) \par \endresposta \stopexercici
\startexercici Bla 2 \stopexercici
\startexercici Bla 3 \beginresposta \resposta (Solucions: \startitemize[a,text] \item D, \item I, \item D, \item No té relació, \item D, \item D, \item No té relació, \item No té relació, \item D.\stopitemize) \par \endresposta \stopexercici
I get \getnumber[exercici] as the last, not the counter of 'exercici' in which I have the answer. How can I do thaT?
Make a complete minimal example.
Simply put starttext and stoptext. Here it’s:
For a minimal example you don’t need so many setups for the enumerations and also text should be kept to a minimum.
Can you help me?
Your counter settings are useless because context stores only the environment plus content for the answers, nothing is done with them at this point. When you flush the answer blocks context sees them for the first time and the counter for the questions is 3 at this point and this is why you get always the same value. \defineenumeration[exercici][text=Exercici] \defineenumeration[resposta][text=Solucions] \defineblock[resposta] \hideblocks[resposta] \starttext \startexercici Question 1 \beginresposta \resposta Answer 1 \par \endresposta \stopexercici \startexercici Question 2 \beginresposta \incrementcounter[resposta] \endresposta \stopexercici \startexercici Question 3 \beginresposta \resposta Answer 3 \par \endresposta \stopexercici \subject{Answers} \selectblocks[resposta] \stoptext Wolfgang