Dear list with the latest context I get wrong alignment in table. MWE: (not so minimal, it's a snippet of my document) \setuppapersize[A5][A5] \setuplayout[location=middle, marking=on, topspace=1.5cm, margin=1cm, headspace=0cm, header=0cm, headerdistance=0.0cm, footer=1cm, %bottomspace=1cm, width=fit, height=fit] \setupbodyfont[palatino,10pt] \definetabletemplate[fosa][s0|xp(3.5cm)|lw(0.7cm)m|xp(5cm)s2|lw(2.5cm)m|] \starttext \starttable[fosa] \NC Kräftegleichgewicht \NC\Use3[p(8cm)]{Ein Körper ist im Kräftegleichgewicht, wenn die resultierende Kraft $\vec{F}_{\rm res}$ Null ist.}\NC\AR \MR \NC Drehmoment \NC\Use2[lM]{M=Fr} \NC [M]=\unit{1 Newton meter}\NC\AR \NC \NC F \NC Kraft ($\perp$\ zur DA) \NC [F]=\unit{1 Newton}\NC\AR \NC \NC r \NC Kraftarm (Abstand DA – Wirkungslinie) \NC [r]=\unit{1 meter}\NC\AR \MR \NC Momenten-\crlf gleichgewicht \NC\Use3[lM]{\sum M_{\rm rechtsdrehend}=\sum M_{\rm linksdrehend}}\NC\AR \MR \NC Gleichgewichtsarten \NC\Use3[p(8cm)]{stabil, labil, indifferent}\NC\AR \MR \NC Hebelgesetz \NC\Use3[lM]{F_1 r_1 = F_2 r_2}\NC\AR \NC \NC r_i \NC Kraftarme \NC [r_i]=\unit{1 meter} \NC\AR \MR \stoptable \stoptext What I got before latest beta: old.pdf What I get with new beta (only snippet): new.pdf The misalignment is visible. I know table is deprecated. But I couldn't get xtable to baseline align two different cells with display math in the same row. MWE: \starttext \startxtable[frame=off] \startxrow \startxcell[width=5cm] \m{\displaystyle \gamma=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\left (\frac{v}{c}\right )^2}}}\stopxcell \startxcell[width=4cm] Reaktionsprinzip\stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable \stoptext \gamma isn't aligned with the text "Reaktionsprinzip". Please tell me what I have to change in table or what table-environment I have to use to get the desired output. Thanks Christian