Like all TeX related things you can find it in CTAN, exactly in
well, not *all* TeX relatet stuff is on CTAN...
The file is old (1991)
and incorrect (the last Cat is missing its backslash). And even with this backslash, the formatting is strange. I'd suggest something like this (warning: ugly(!!) LaTeX code ahead): \begingroup \catcode`\|=13 \catcode`\<=13 \gdef\EBNF {\list{???}% {% \def|{$\mid$}% \def\makelabel##1{<##1> ::=}% \def\Cat##1{$\langle${\it ##1\/}$\rangle$} \def<##1>{\Cat{##1}} \parsep=0pt \itemsep=\smallskipamount \leftmargin=\parindent \advance\leftmargin+2em \labelsep=0.5em \labelwidth=1.5em \raggedright \catcode`\|=13 \catcode`\<=13 }% } \endgroup \let\endEBNF\endlist \documentclass{article} \usepackage{calc} \begin{document} \begin{EBNF} \item[glue] <dimen> [~`plus' <stretch>~] [~`minus' <stretch>~]. \item[stretch] <dimen> | <fil dimen>. \item[fil dimen] <factor> (~`fil' | `fill' | `filll'~). \end{EBNF} \end{document} which looks like this: <glue>::= <dimen> [ ‘plus’ <stretch> ] [ ‘minus’ <stretch> ]. <stretch>::= <dimen>| <fil dimen>. <fil dimen>::= <factor >( ‘fil’ | ‘fill’ | ‘filll’ ). Patrick -- mon trainsistor j'adore