Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Jilani Khaldi wrote:
I just want to know how to have a table in Context with cells which can contain many lines each; something like this:
\starttabulate[|p(4cm)|p(2cm)|p(2cm)|] \NC Header1 \NC header2 \NC header 3 \NC\NR \NC This is a text splitted in 3 lines because it is very long \NC 2005 \NC Thank you for the tip!\NC\NR \stoptabulate
Or (in the spirit of Taco's example): \bTABLE \setupTABLE[c][1][width=4cm] \setupTABLE[c][2,3][width=2cm] % 2nd and 3rd column \bTR \bTD Header1 \eTD \bTD header2 \eTD \bTD header3 \eTD \eTR \bTD This is a text splitted in 3 lines because it is very long \eTD \bTD 2005 \eTD \bTD Thank you for the tip! \eTD \eTABLE If text in a cell is very long, it will be splitted in more lines automatically, so that the table of width \textwidth will be produced. \bTABLE ... \eTABLE is already very clever, however, I don't know if you can do something similar as in the LaTeX example you provided, so that the overall table width is fixed to exactly 16 cm (also for a very small table, which should artificially be expanded) without having to provide the width of every single column. See enattab.pdf for more details about natural tables. Mojca