andrea valle wrote:
\definelayer [layer2a][width=.15\paperwidth]
\setlayer [layer2a] [x=.15\paperwidth, y=.5\paperheight] {\externalfigure[layTest][width=.75\paperwidth]}
extend your example with \clip[width=.15\paperwidth,height=<define one>,hoffset=0pt,voffset=0pt]{\externalfigure..} and you can see the difference.. (no picture in the smaller layer). As I already mentioned, the size is (only?) significant, if you change the default positioning (reference point). For example, you want to place something with an offset of 2cm to the right bottom corner of the layer. Therefore you need the exact width and height of the layer. All default positioning (relative to top left corner of the layer) doesn't care about the size, as there is no difference (no calculation is needed). I hope I have made myself clear. Greetings, Peter
I was expecting to have the layTest figure cut after its width exceeds the layer's width. It seems that this is unrelevant, i.e.
If I have instead of this:
\definelayer [layer2a][width=.15\paperwidth]
this: \definelayer [layer2a][width=.75\paperwidth]
It's the same.
So, I cannot understand what width means for layers, as changing it has no consequences (in my example).
On 13 Oct 2006, at 18:31, Hans Hagen wrote:
etc etc
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Andrea Valle DAMS - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione Università degli Studi di Torino
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