Am 20.02.2011 um 22:52 schrieb Michael Goerz:
Can you comment the part where you insert the table of contents in your document, something fails here but it’s not able to tell what from your example. Indeed, it has something to do with the Table of Contents. The \placecontent is already enough to produce the error, but only in combination with the definitions in my env.tex file. If I don't place
On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 10:08 PM, Wolfgang Schuster the TOC, or don't load my env settings, the documents compiles.
Change these defintions from \def to \unexpanded\def % Font Features Macros \def\orn{\setfontfeature{ornaments}} \def\itsw{\setfontfeature{swash}\it} \def\sw{\setfontfeature{swash}} \def\smcp{\setfontfeature{smallcaps}} \def\lnfigures{\setfontfeature{lining}} \def\tabfigures{\addfontfeaturetofont{tabular}} \def\lntabfigures{\setfontfeature{tabular}} Wolfgang