The synonym "sym" defined by \definesynonyms[sym][syms][\symdesc] can take 2 entries by default: \sym[<RefName>]{<ShortName>}{<LongName>} For theses and whitepapers in the natural sciences and in engineering it is needed to introduce another entry for the unit: \sym[<RefName>]{<ShortName>}{<Unit>}{<LongName>} (<-- This does of course not compile, take it as a feature request) e.g. \sym[Salpha]{\alpha\ }{$[W~m^{-2}~K^{-1}]$}{Heat Transfer Coefficient} where \sym[Salpha]{\alpha\ }{$[W~m^{-2}~K^{-1}]$ Heat Transfer Coefficient} cannot be a good workaround since \symdesc{Salpha} should not include the unit. And of course I want the unit entry to be in a separate column when calling \placelistofsynonyms[sym] In LaTeX I accomplished this with glossaries and glossary-mcols. Is there some neat trick to get this behaviour "the ConTeXt way" (maybe with some Lua + *.aux)? The next step would be to define the table headers of the list of symbols such as "Symbol \NC Unit \NC Description"... Thanks in advance and kind regards, Thomas