Dear list, at first, I thought the following code (simplified) with frames, hrules and vfills between them would work to typeset my table. However, I have now realized that sometimes a pagebreak occurs before the final (invisible) hrule, and then there's no vfill at the bottom of the page. See this example: \setuplayout [backspace=10mm, width=middle, topspace=10mm, height=middle, header=0mm, headerdistance=0mm, footer=1mm, footerdistance=0mm] \setupframed[frame=on,framecolor=green,location=middle,align=right] \define [2] \Tabline { \hrule \page[no] \vfill \dontleavehmode\framed[width=60mm]{#1}\framed[width=100mm]{#2} \vfill \hrule height 0pt \par\page[bigpreference] } \setupbackgrounds[footer][text][topframe=on] \starttext \Tabline{\dorecurse{100}{word }}{\dorecurse{150}{word }} \Tabline{\dorecurse{170}{word }}{\dorecurse{100}{word }} \stoptext How can I make sure a pagebreak occurs only between the Tablines? The Tabline on the 1st page should appear centered, too. "\page[no]" before "\hrule height 0pt" has no effect. Thank you and kind regards Joshua Krämer