(*) tex error > error on line 1 in file /var/www/vhosts/door43.org/tools/nototest.tex: ! Undefined control sequence l.1 \useregime [utf] 1 >> \useregime[utf] 2 \enableregime[utf] Version: 2015.05.24 12:42 (*) Upgrading with "first-setup.sh" deleted all the third-party fonts which we had spent months installing. (*) Installing the "context=current" installed a "beta" version of luatex: context --version mtx-context | current version: 2015.05.24 12:42 luatex --version This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.80.0 (TeX Live 2015) (rev 5238) (*) http://tug.org/pracjourn/2005-2/schmitz/schmitz.pdf (none of the commands texfont, ttf2afm, updmap, come with the latest ConTeXt minimals 2015.05.24 12:42) [Is this really the up-to-date documentation on how to install a true-type font?] It does not seem to discuss what to do if all we have is an ".otf" but no ".ttf" (*) Documentation request: typescripts for "ttf" and "otf" files which may or may not have bold, italics, etc with fallback-families and Unicode ranges and separate files for Unicode-ranges (e.g., Google Noto fonts). David Boerschlein (214) 412-3275 home office land (585) 278-4687 cell www.linkedin.com/in/davidboerschlein ____________________________________________________________ Old School Yearbook Pics View Class Yearbooks Online Free. Search by School & Year. Look Now! http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/556da14029abe214072e9st01duc